Easy mindfulness exercises to help you deal with anxiety, depression, and any situation that stresses you out. Be sure to explore other areas of the site for information on developing healthy habits, being kind to yourself, and dealing with fear.
Check out this site for tons of asthma-friendly products, including bedding, air filters, household cleaners, and toys.
Information on marijuana from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Get the facts on how marijuana affects the body and the brain and whether you can get addicted.
If you want to stop smoking but aren't sure where to start, this site provides useful tips for stopping and staying stopped, plus information about how smoking affects almost all parts of your life -- from your physical health to your mood to your social life.
Confused about how to use your inhaler with a spacer? This handout answers basic questions about spacers and breaks down using a spacer with your inhaler step by step.
Get the facts about your right to carry your asthma inhaler with you in school.